Initial Ideas

Before starting the dérive, my initial ideas consisted of following a certain path as I had planned it but, once, I started the dérive, I just followed the sounds and objects that attracted me. As, I connected with the nature, it brought back a lot of memories from my childhood. I looked around, I saw trees aligned in an order that sort of related back to the sky scrappers in Hong Kong, I could hear the birds chirping which reminded me of the time I spent in India, I had fed some birds during a festival which remained as a memory.

Later, I walked deep into the tiny paths in Jardin des Tuileries, I discovered a carousel. At first glance, I knew it’s just a carousel and there’s no feeling that I could develop for it. Although, over the span of ten minutes, I realised that this carousel links in with my childhood. The only reason why it reminds me of my childhood is because when I first sat in the carousel, it almost felt like a fairy tale, as though everything seemed so magical and fairy like.

I spent about twenty-five minutes circling around the carousel, which is located in Jardin des Tuileries. I sat there, listening to the various sounds around and in it. I could hear children laughing, music being played inside the carousel, and the birds chirping. All of this tied in with my memory which allowed me to experience a dérive.

At first, I expected to find objects or items that might be appealing or just those that can attract my attention but it was surprising to find something quite big that well connects with me and is still an attracting object even after so many years. It made me feel like I was back in 2007, when, I first sat in the carousel. The fairy tales, the beautiful stories came back like a bus full of memories.

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