Drawing and Imaging: Places

In this course, we often created projects over the course of many steps. For this post, I’ve chosen to highlight one particular project: our digital renditions of the NYPL.
After first two-point drawing a scene at the NYPL, we were given the assignment to create two digital renditions of scenes there. One had to be black and white and one had to be color.


I decided to use these two images:

NYPL_outside_porch NYPL_outside_porch

After deciding on these images, I started to work on the digital rendition. Here are my final images: NYPL_staircase-up-1 flat

nypl final outside

nypl final stairs

The entirety of the project was created using Photoshop, except for certain curves that were created in Illustrator. Although this project was time consuming it was very interesting to see the two scenes created differently.

18 years old - love fashion and art - strategic design and management student

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