Derive – FINAL

The main focus of this Derive was to portray  various different sounds inside Jardin des Tuileries. I chose to record my footsteps because I felt that it is simple yet unique. It allows the audience to indulge into the experience of my dêrive and sounds in the background provide a rich insight into the dérive. It allows the audience to mentally be there and follow my footsteps and experience what I am experiencing while I am in the dérive. The main purpose was to get lost into the sounds of the birds chirping, children playing, people making small conversations, the wind blowing and some other sounds that surrounded me. The most dominant sounds in Jardin des Tuileries was a boy dribbling a basketball and the siren of the ambulance which reminded me of my childhood.

At first, when I walked into Jardin des Tuileries, I wasn’t sure of what a dérive was until the sounds attracted me and provided a path directly to a dérive. The sounds connected me to my infancy which made me want to capture these sounds to present my childhood to my classmates. To begin with, the procedure of making this video involved me visiting Jardin des Tuileries a couple of times and recording the voices and sounds of the birds, the siren of an ambulance, the wind blowing across the park and many other sounds. Part 1 of this project, I created a video that consisted of sounds of me walking in the alley and the sounds around it. Although, when I combined videos and sounds, I made the sounds of my footsteps louder than the sounds around me. After a group critique, I noticed that the sounds of my footsteps can be reduced to minimal volume and the sounds around can be increased to a greater volume to emphasise on the relationship between the sounds and my childhood. Moreover, I chose to change the volumes of the sounds in Part 2 of this project and add some additional material to have a greater impact on the audience.

If I had a chance to improve on Part 2 of this project, I would choose to make the sounds more disturbing and louder. I would also increase the intensity of the sounds of my footsteps and increase the pace of my footsteps to create more impact on the visuals of the video. I would shortened the video to around 1 minute so that it is more intense and intriguing for the audience. While the video consists of my footsteps, I would add some transparent images of my childhood that overlaps the footsteps to increase the intensity of the derive.

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