❀ sustainable systems – where is it from?? muji pen pt. ii

Previously, I observed the materials which went into creating a classic pen by Muji

Delving deeper into their practices, I wanted to see how sustainable the company was, and how they could be even more sustainable.

Firstly, I looked at the ways in which this product could be improved. From energy sources to ethical labor, I wanted to make sure I covered all bases.

I then settled on eliminating metal from the entirety of the product. I felt that this would allow easier production, and by removing an entire material, it would be able to be recycled easier, and even potentially remade into a new pen. The externality of extracting metal is avoided. The whole process of getting metal, melting and molding it would all be avoided. Less resources are used so less money would be need. This could go toward lowering the price so that the product is more accessibility, or paying factory workers better.

The current price of Muji pens are $1.50. I feel that the cost is not reflected in the price because of how much goes into the intricate parts of the pen. Although it is awfully minimal already-perfectly fitting into the aesthetic of Muji-it can be reduced even more, fit with the brand, and have the cost more similar to the price.

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