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Final//Rough Research +Storyboard

1.arduino or raspberry pi
2. Four libraries / hardware
(kinect, open cv, ofxPiMapper,
-proximity sensor, accelerometer, temp sensor, mp3 shield, tilt sensor)
3. ofVisual
4. Case
7.Video [2-4 min] RESEARCH/THEMES

Growth/ Dormancy/ Signals

Background: Working with paramecium & community assembly Experiment
historical components/ community structure/ resilience

Longstanding wish: Environmental programming. Having models that can be used as predictive program for various ecological courses.
This wish is controversial. There are ALWAYS outside, unaccounted for factors, so such a program is very difficult to make. But so many industries rely on simulators!

Initial Euerka moment:
Alternate States: varied invasion order, each diff order created diff communities> divergence, more resilient to subsequent invaders.

Confirmed community structure has a historical component.
(even in twin habitats with identical invaders)

Microcosms used to test theory>
for community assembly > paramecium and trophic levels to build community resilience,
how order matters, order of character appearance.

the use of relatively simple components to build higher-level intelligence.

older thoughts:

the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid.
Quorum sensing can function as a decision-making process in any decentralized system, as long as individual components have: (a) a means of assessing the number of other components they interact with and (b) a standard response once a threshold number of components is detected.

Newer Thoughts:

ari johnansoon’s algae water bottles

creeping garden-
people harness the almost invisible physarium slime mold – which is more animal than plant.
Each individual spore works as one organism.
Sonification of Slime Mold oscillations converted to pitch and attack.
Jeff Jones: Unconventional Computing .
Andy Adamatzky: (http://www.amazon.com/Physarum-Machines-Computers-Slime-Volume/dp/B00EB3MZXC)
International Center of Unconventional Computing, Bristol.
Adamatzky is known for his research in unconventional computing. In particular, he has worked on chemical computers using reaction-diffusion processes.[4]He has used slime moulds to plan potential routes for roadway systems[5][6] and as components of nanorobotic systems,[7][8] and discovered that they seek out sedatives in preference to nutrients.[9] He has also shown that the billiard balls in billiard-ball computers may be replaced by soldier crabs.

slime mold as tactile sensor
bio inspiried algorithms

Eduardo E Miranda: Professor at the Interdisciplinary Center for Computer Music Research
live wires record electrical signals of slime mold, translated into music which he collaboratively plays over.

Dark Ecology?

kombucha skin mother leather
Jackets made of bacteria

after all this research, I’ve seen computer scientists refer to life as biological machines.


interested in technology because of my love for biology

3D printed maze, paramecium ping pong.

Process oriented design :
approach: something is wrong/ not optimal
research the problem.
how to respond to it?
consider a concept : ie: empathy with animals
research these leads, any precedence? directions? inspirations? collaborators? warnings?
Is it worth while to proceed?
what is the goal?
research people, places, products with similar goals.
Make rules and philosophy.
iterate, prototype.
get feedback.

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