The two reading inspired me to create this cinema graph to experience the concept of time. I found Haruki Murakami’s example of time being the length of a toothpick quite intriguing because in terms of numerology, it is infinite and eternal and correlates to immortality. Same with human beings, our thoughts are immortal although we eventually leave the earth and are left to disintegrate, our thoughts, our existence still remains in the eternal life time.
In addition, the second reading reiterates the concept of time but in motion. The looping scene of a cinema graph triggers our memory to play a role during the process also the result of the repetition that engaged the viewers attention. The exploration of frame and time is endless however we as human beings attempt to to explore all realms of creativity and intact our minds into this fascination.

I used my friend, Tuan Phan (Monk) to portray my vision of the cinema graph; I chose this moment to capture him taking his glasses off to put an emphasis on our everyday objects and our interactions with it. We don’t pay much attention to the small details of our daily lives, however, it all impact our creation and physical and mental interactions with the world and our surroundings. I made this in Photoshop by stacking the video into images and changed the speed to 0 seconds so there is no delay and made the loop forever. To improve on the cinema graph, I would hide the lines that are cropped to emphasize the movement of Monk’s hand to reach to his glasses.





In the process of creating my graphic novel I learned that frames have a major impact on the narrative. My story is about youth and physical and mental change throughout time that we all go through. I used images and paintings to give the viewer a nostalgic feel to their own lives and to put them inside the frames of my artwork. I used subject to subject within the frames to put an emphasis on human growth and time change. Although it was difficult to work with transitions and durations within my frames, I still managed to work with the scattered images to have the eyes of the viewer to jump place to place but still remain coherent. The growth of the individual in the frames goes from left to right, entering the stage of experimentation. I would improve on working with the duration of time and have the frames flow to tell the story while maintaining the original style of the frames scattered on the spread. This can be applied to my other works because the concept of the given subject of anything is crucial to be legible for the viewer.