Curiosity Journal – Day 3

Physical Music

Our bodies move, our bodies sway, but what is the key to these movements? Music. It is not only an entertainment platform, it is an auditory representations of one’s feeling which can speak to others in similar ways. All music genres have their own ways of changing the listener’s emotions for better or for worse. This song, “Djobi, Djoba” by Gipsy Kings not only makes me want to dance, it makes me happy and physically lighter. Music has the ability to change moods, allowing them to view the world from the artists’ point of view.


All I picture in my head is the possible dance moves a pair could perform, always in movement, in sync and following the beat. This song discusses love at first sight and how no matter the distance, love can still be strong. The dance should therefore be fairly sensual, both bodies moving in similar ways. One of the reasons I love latin music is because the rhythm itself oozes sensuality, urging the dancers to be together romantically. The men and women dance equally together, obeying the rules of the song with their body movements, as well as the rules of dance, the man leading the woman with short moments when both can solo, but still complementing each other and the music they dance to. This song embodies dance itself, allowing all listeners to also be viewers, as one can physically envision the movements of music.


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