Bridge #1: Tell Me

For the two collages, the other person that has overlapped in my life is one of my good friends. He is called Ryan Chen and we’ve known each other since the start of middle school. His presence has always been somewhat annoying in a sense that he always had better academic grades. Of course, he has this stubborn attitude where it is simply impossible at times to have him open up to our opinion. For such, the I collaged a hand to grab on his body while he took a shot for his break dancing pose. The arm is supposed to pull him down and exert my existence or my opinions on him. Even though he is annoying at times, we do share many interests in common. A shame to say but we do watch similar genres of anime. We read similar genre of books and we play the same video game. We always loved speaking in English while the other kids persisted to speak Chinese Mandarin in an American boarding school. Therefore, to show our similarities, I created a collage where he is like a shadow of mine. In his picture, he had buildings in the background, which is something I incorporated in my picture as well. For the first collage, I’m using color to show that it is me that is exerting force on him. Since we have different skin tones, I used black and white to show that we have similarities between us, moreover, to show that we could be the shadows of each other.

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