Sustainable Systems: Issues in Taiwan/Week 1 Reflection

Issues in Taiwan

Taiwan has proliferated over the past decades, which came with several environmental issues. Taiwan’s natural forest covers has been decreased to less than 50% due to Taiwan’s constant construction on railroads and roads in the mountainous regions. Further, Taipei, which is Taiwan’s capital, has its ground level lowered over the years due to constant underground construction for underground malls and subway tunnel digging. The most dire situation regarding environmental issues is that Taiwan is mainly a semiconductor production country, thus there are several semiconductor and petrochemical sectors and they pollute the waters, air, soil, and land. There is no national system for these chemical disposals, therefore, the pollution is exacerbated by these dirty industries. I believe the first two problems mentioned are inevitable due to the advance and need of space for technology and transportation. However, the last problem is where the government need to set regulations and punishments that those that bypass the waste production. However, Taiwan’s government has had history of acting as if nothing is wrong until the problem is in light of the public knowledge (entirety of Taiwan’s population).

Environmental issues facing Taiwan

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