FASHION STUDIES: Christopher Breward’s aphorisms

Learning Portfolio Post #1 (250 words total)

Choose any two of Christopher Breward’s aphorisms from his foreword to Fashion Studies, which you read in Week 1. Explain what each of the two aphorisms means (in your own words) and explain why you agree or disagree with them

“Fashion is made manifest in material forms. It demands study in the same way that ancient artifacts are made meaningful by archaeologists: through careful excavation.” I believe in this statement because all objects has a story behind it. There’s a deeper meaning that just the appearance. It can show time and the mind of the artist and our society. It can be a reflection of our society, our generation’s thoughts and actions, what was considered popular during the time the idea was formed. Fashion needs study in order to understand the elements that makes “fashion”. Fashion can be the analysis of someone’s identity, their avatar, the extension of the artist’s mind.   There’s a purpose on the construction and the materials used to create the design, therefore, it’s important to understand the why and how of the design for future knowledge. Studying can expand the options & limitation in creating your fashion. Fashion is about us. Therefore, the knowledge that we know now, can be improved for the future.

Fashion is gossip. Never underestimate the power of gossip. Semiologists are driven into ecstasies of supposition by its whispers. I agree with this statement because fashion is another form of communication. We can communicate our thoughts through our clothes. We can bring meaningful issue into light through clothing and make bold statements without even having to speak. For example, people passionate about the feminist movement can spread their words through basic t-shirt and colors.  Fashion is gossip because trends, comes quick and leaves fast. When a trend starts, you see it everywhere. It feeds the craving of want instead of need. The feeling of wanting something is powerful and shows the connection between self and society. This statement also reminds me of the fact that many ideas are stolen and designs are copied through gossip. You lose the real story behind the trend. The originality gets lost. Fashion is communication because it is expressive. It can start controversies, discourse among communities, socio-political reasons.,etc. Fashion is global.

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