LP4: Bridge Project 1 Final Post: Q-Tip shell

Inspirations from the Gallery:



My material:  Q-tips


Q-Tip shell final display:









Q-Tip shell

The original inspiration is from the art pieces I saw at the exhibition, because I think it is very interesting that these rough looking necklaces are made out of soft materials, and that is why I want to use fragile materials to create the same style.

The function of this necklace is decorative,  you can wear it anytime, anywhere you want, because it shows your aesthetic, and this necklace is very inclusive it is not designed for specific gender.

The materials I repurposed is using Q-Tips that I found in my bathroom, I bought them long time ago, and I always overlook at it and forgot about it. After seeing the exhibition, I really started to look at things I always forget about.

I learn about to be more careful about my daily life, to look at things I do not look at normally or overlooked.

What I learned about the materials is people should be thinking outside of box when it comes to materials.

The most enjoyable part of the project is to expand my imagination, and not restricted by the materials.

The challenging part is to make the Q-Tips be more stable.

The part I am satisfied with is when everyone in class came to my table and try to wear it

I learned about how I would think more outside of the box.


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