Codex project

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This is the first draft of my codex project. My story is about when I had to lie to my parents when I got caught drinking so I had to speak to the dean of students in high school.

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Then for my final piece, I made a hard cover with black gradation. The title of this book is When I was young, Things happened. I named it like this to show how I felt and what I did and what happened to me. It’s a graphic narration piece without any words description, only words are Disneyland in the beginning of the book. After I finished my final book, I really did not like the rainbow one, which is meant to be a Headmaster’s office with lots of books on the background, but it didn’t really show and had no meanings, so put white acrylic paint over it and did another one. Men is yelling at me and I look sad on the revised one. I really like how I developed my final from the rough draft I first handed in.

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