Intro to Fashion: LP Post #2

This is an advertisement from Yves Saint Laurent that was advertised all over Paris. As the picture is clearly showing, the theme was “porno chic” and a female is wearing a fishnet tights with very short swim wear like top and opening her legs in front of the camera. I believe this is one the most clear example of how one specific gender is portrayed through the clothing, and by the model, posing in a fashion brand advertisement. This advertisement definitely reinforces traditional gender norms, such as women should be wearing tight clothes that fit the body and show the silhouette in order to be “sexy” and that is what this gender should look like. According to the book, Fashion and Cultural Studies by Susan B. Kaiser, there is one part saying that “Gender is socially constructed and culturally created and represented. Gender is something that people do.” Whereas, sexuality is a division for biological difference. Gender can be divided by how the culture and how the people act. Gender is created by the culture, and constructed according to how the social acts. So this advertisement is using the idea of gender and creating a certain atmosphere to the people what to wear in order to be what typical “female” should look.

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