Thesis 2, Part 4

User Experience Testing Response:

WildBerries gained some good insight from the user experience exercise the class did. The project learned to define itself more clearly as an interactive experience so to not be mistaken for a game.

When the first round concluded, the testers informed the project that more interaction was expected and desired. They were unsatisfied with the limited amount of actions you could do with the Berry in it’s test scene. All that was presented was a 3D strawberry model in a pinkish background. The Strawberry reacted to physics and when you pressed Spacebar, it would ascend 5 units upwards only to fall back down again. That was all Wildberries had at the time. The Spacebar interaction was included during a mechanical test of how much strain the physics would cause the experience to have, with the level of detail that model of the strawberry had.

Afterwards, the second group of testers gave Wildberries the new pivot it is going for. I proposed to them an idea I had about having the selection of berries be limited down to the wildest fruits that were still classified as berries. I will be showcasing the outliers of the Berry family, and defining what it means to be a berry by botany guidelines. They also suggested the project be more emotional and silly than educational and serious like everyone who gives feedback on this project says, I give way for these comments as much as I can, but I really would rather have an educational tool that’s fun to use than a silly interactive experience that you can also learn something from. I hope in the coming weeks, everyone comes to see Wildberries in the same light as I do. I just need to create more of it.




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