Cinema graph




The Zeno’s paradox is actually exploring the infinity. Using the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise as an example, if Achilles’s speed is 1 m/s and tortoise’s speed is 0.5 m/s, even though tortoise is 0.5 m ahead Achilles, Achilles can catch it in one second. Why? It is because using the formula t=S1-S2/Distance between two subjects. T=1 s. But in the paradox, Achilles can’t reach the tortoise because there’s always a distance to go to catch the tortoise. Zeno thinks the time and the space can be infinitely sliced while normally we think the time and the space is limited.

I was also inspired by the reading that says the human is immortal in the thoughts. By infinitely slicing one certain moment, it is able to make the action stays for ever.

Reason Why 

I chose to photograph the moment that I’m pouring the water into the water. Using Zeno’s paradox, the water is able to continue to moving since the second before it stops can be infinity sliced.


First, I chose all of the 107 layers and change the time delay to zero second. Then I duplicate all the layer and reverse the order.

After that, I’m able to export it using web format.

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