Idea + Moodboard

The final project will be a hanging sculpture included multilayers. Each layer is a carved organic shape of plant roots using Bristol paper. The LED light will be in the middle of each layer so that the LED light will cast shadows that looks like plant roots. The color of the light will be purple and pink, which creates an artificial feeling. Through combing the shapes of plant roots and the artificial light, I want to use the sculpture to convey the importance of stepping in the nature while encourage people to explore in the nature and discover the beauty of it.


I hand carved the prototype in order to see how it works. The shape need to be adjusted in order to keep the balance. Even though I didn’t used a transparent thread, I feel it is not distracting and the thread can be part of the aesthetic.

Laser cut

After tracing these shapes out on illustrator, I laser cut them on a 3-ply Bristol board.

Circuit Design

When I finished the circuit and light it up, I found that the UV color wasn’t bright   enough as well as the pink LED. Thus, I decided to clear the whole circuit and I bought an LED light bulb which is light enough to make those pieces pink.

Install in progress

In order to hide the light bulb and the thread, I made a box and carving put small shapes to make the light go through. The pieces wasn’t stable and it took a long time to untangle the thread.  The whole process took about 3 hours.

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