Examining Fantasmagorie

Emile Cohl’s short animation Fantasmagorie was created in 1908. It is an extremely important piece of work as film historians credit it to be the first cartoon animation. Fantasmagorie is translated to phantasmagoria in English. Dictionary.com defines it as “a shifting series of phantasms, illusions, or deceptive appearances, as in a dream or as created by the imagination” or “a changing scene made up of many elements.” I think both meanings are applicable to Cohl’s […]

Studio 2 Week 13 -VR and Storytelling

Reading What is the storytelling potential of a non-interactive VR experience? Why is interaction relevant? The ability to drop a viewer right in the middle of a fully realised 3D world is immensely impactful when used correctly. Although it does lessen the director’s ability to artfully direct their viewers’ attention to their carefully laid out […]

Studio Week 12- VR/AR Storyboarding

Storyboarding in Virtual Reality ● Using the process described, create a storyboard for your game. The Art of Storytelling and Narrative in VR Is the character in your game active, passive, god-like or traditional? Explain. I would say that because we are developing an AR experience, there is often no distinction between the player and […]

Game Critique Exercise – Beholder

Pacing (game difficulty, intro to new mechanics, flow etc)- 4 Depth (complexity, the coming together of game elements and ideas to make a while)- 3 Controls- 5 Story- 5 Gameplay-5 Experience (how one experiences game and can be tied back to everything else) – 5 Intuitive (how much explanation is needed)- 4 Balanced- 3 Emergence […]

Code 2 Midterm Proposal

Concept Statement For my midterm I want to make a short Sokoban puzzle experience with three levels. I was introduced to the genre by Munroe who I was brainstorming with in class, I think we are both making Sokobans! I thought it sounded like a nice, compact, programmable experience. Sokoban is defined as a game […]