Drawstring Bag & Cellphone Bag

Tools/Materials (Drawstring & Cellphone bag): Red Cotton Fabric, Pink Cotton Thread, Pink Cotton Embroidery Floss, Embroidery Needles, Silver Grommets, Silver Snap, Recycled Adjustable Bag strap, Sewing Machine.


Drawstring Bag Construction Process:

the process of sewing for this bag was very straight forward, I faced very few issues with the construction. Between every seam I properly ironed the pieces so that they were easier to pin.

Finalized Drawstring Bag (in use):

I realized later that I took no process pictures of this bag


Cellphone Bag Design Process:



these photos include the orthographic drawings I did for my cellphone but also the entire design process that the cellphone bag went through.

Cellphone Bag Construction Process:

I had initially tried to hand sew the cellphone bag but I quickly became impatient and found that I wasn’t pleased with how the stitches looked so I opted to rip the seam and start over.

This was a test that I did for grommets, I wanted to see what the silver looked like against the red and before this assignment, I had never put a grommet in so I needed to learn before I needed to put them on my real bag.

This was another test, just practice for sewing a button on. I ended up not using a button to keep the bag closed because I couldn’t figure out how to construct the buttonhole well.

Finalized Cellphone Bag: 

Conclusion on the process: Overall this project was really fun for me, I greatly enjoyed the obstacles I faced with this project and I loved the process. I learned very much and although the piece is not perfect I look forward to the next project because I know that that project will turn out even better than this one.

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