2. Polemic Collages

Polemic Collage Assignment:

For this collage, Zamir and I focused on tackling the arguments for and against the “Fast Fashion” industry. On one hand, Fast Fashion is cheap, easy to make, and very accessible to a population without a lot of excess funding, but on the other, Fast Fashion is the second most environmentally harmful industry on the planet, right under agriculture and frequently workers are not compensated fairly for the hours they work.

To illustrate this polarization we started looking for inspiration in ads from the 50s, a decade infamous for its excessive spending habits.

Development Process with Zamir:

These are a few pieces of our “mood board” and I think it’s fair to say that these catalyzed the base for all of our pieces. With these images, we developed our collage composition/general aesthetic.


My Final Pieces (Zamir’s not included):

By mixing vintage ads with present-day issues we were able to effectively display both sides of this issue, successfully mixing the idea of essentially, packaged convenience with its real-world effects hidden within the garments/ads themselves.

This was my final result.

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