The Relational Human Figure: Working with the Figure Process Submit Assignment

Charcoal 30 second gesture drawing

Paint 30 second gesture painting

paint 15 min gesture painting

Charcoal 10 min gesture drawing

paint 10 min gesture painting

30 second gesture painting

20 min gesture painting


My overall experience with gesture drawing and painting has really changed with in the last few sessions. When we  first started with the gesture drawings and paintings I was super nervous and more so focused on make the image look perfect instead of trying to just get the hang of the movement of the body. As the sessions went on I found myself asking more questions to try and better understand the way to proportions of the human body from where I stand as well as the movement of the body. I think I mostly enjoyed the 30 second gesture drawing and paintings as whatever made it on the paper was exactly what I saw or felt was right and then later I could go back and perfect whatever I drew. I did find that the longer drawings were a little more difficult for me as I forget to focus on just getting the movement of the body down and more so focus on how to make it most perfect.

Using paint was also the most enjoyable for me, I felt it was easier for me to create the movement of the body with the brush strokes, it was also easier for me to highlight certain areas with different colors and to define areas with darker colors. I did though struggle a bit with shading using the paint, as well as the paint color choices that I use or more so how the colors dry.

The charcoal is also great, I found that shading with charcoal is a lot easier, you can fix mistakes easier and keep layering to make certain areas darker where that didn’t really work as much for me with the paint.

Overall I am really enjoying these experiences!

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