Through Nerrees Eyes

Acrylic Paint


Acrylic Paint

Acrylic Paint



For my “intersubjective Vistas” I decided to use the laser cutter because I wanted the weight of the acrylic to represent the weight that a solider has to carry, I also want the lines created to represent the laser sharp view that some of these soldiers have. My inspiration for this project came a lot from my own sister who at 18 packed her bags and moved to Israel to volunteer for the army while the rest of her friends went to four year colleges. In Israel it is mandatory for everyone after completion of high school to draft into the army. I really was moved when my sister decided to take it upon herself to go a volunteer to protect her country but a country she didn’t grow up in but still felt it was home and a place she needed to protect. I want the strokes of the paint brush to represent the uneasy road traveled as well as I am going to create collage of images of my sisters friends in college to represent sent  what could have been her life if she decided to go about the American college route. 

I created the sniper in illustrator and and decided to add a photo of my sister visiting her best friends in college. I wanted to find a way add the image of them together into the final project because my sisters friends were always such a huge part of her life. It was a big step for her to take in the first place to leave America and go volunteer in the Israeli army while all her other friends were going to college to enjoy the rest of their days. I decided to camouflage her friends in because it represents her state of mind. Although she was thousands of miles away she always was thinking of them in the back of her mind



For my final I look a piece of clear acrylic and engraved it with the laser cutter to represent the sniper. Where ever you move the painting there is always a target, this is to represent the focus that my sister had when making the decision to go and volunteer in the Israeli army while all her friends were in college. I printed out the image of her and her friends and cut it out in camouflage shapes and then painted in between the open spaces. Her friends in camouflage are a representation of her love for them and the fact that although she was half way across the world fighting for a country she loves so much they were always in the back of her mind and camouflaged into her life in a sense. Although they might not talk everyday they are still together.

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