The Relational Human Figure: Long Lost Found


Sketch graphite 4H “Sunny Day” Leer Goldeshmidet

Sketch graphite 2B “quantitative reasoning”By Leer Goldeshmidet

Sketch Graphite 6B “Loco Coco” Leer Goldeshmidet



For the Long Lost Found assignment I roamed around the city and sat for a few hours or even a few min and tried to get the best sketch I could of a place. At first I tried to not so much focus on the details and more so just on the shapes of the thingsI was trying to draw. I later realized that this helped me a lot in trying to create shapes and better refine the body that  I was drawing.I found this task a little difficult as the places I decided to go to were mostly cafes and parks; most of the people would be there for shorter amounts time not giving me the chance to fully get into detail but still allowing me to get the main point across. Overall I did really enjoy this experience as it forced me outside of the house and to explore my surroundings as well has helped my free drawing skills because it forced me to draw outside of my comfort zone. 

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