Exercises in Style

Yesterday I walked around the East Village for an hour. I met a man who was selling wigs on the corner. He offered me a blue one, but I told him pink was more my color. I ended up buying the blue one though.


Yesterday I strutted around the East Village area. A man who sold wigs approached me and offered me a blue one. I looked at him fiercely and said, “No thank you.” while trying on a pink one. It washed out my lips, so I took the blue one and left.


My feet dragged across the East Village. A man yelled at me to try on the wigs he was selling. He stuttered a bit when offering me a blue one. I smoothly replied saying it wasn’t my style. My hand lurched for a pink one – which snagged a bit on my head. So I went with the blue one that rustled a bit in the wind.

Two Words:

Feet dragged. Man yelled. He offered. I tried. I bought. Then left.

One Sentence:

While I was walking around I noticed a man selling wigs; I tried on both blue and pink ones but ended up going with the blue.

No E:

I was walking around and saw a man who had wigs in stock, I bought a wig that was similar in color to cyan.

Freestyle: no use of the letter A

I skipped through the city, then noticed Mr. Grieves selling wigs on the street corner – I left with one blue wig.

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