Digital Craft: Processing Exhibition Inspiration

Coming from a primarily fine arts background, more specifically printmaking, patterns and printing of images always catch my eye. Van Larr uses a shape packing algorithm to ensure that none of the leaves overlap.

The patterns are loosely based on the ingredients of the tea that will go inside it.

In a program made in ‘Processing‘ the structure of base leaf forms can be defined. Each ‘vein’ of a leaf can potentially act as a new stem allowing for nested, fern-like leaves. The degree of freedom is assigned for attributes such the number of veins, distribution, rotation, length etc. Noise and waveforms can be used to encourage more organic forms.

Like a kind of compass arm, the ‘veins’ of the leaf determines the contour of the shape. The forms are drawn out uniquely with each iteration, based on the general parameters assigned.

I think what amazes me the most is the perfection of these patterns. Registration is something very important and very difficult in the printmaking.

This project inspired me to make my own pattern.

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