[LS] Sustainable Systems – Homework for Week 9 “Repair Part 2 + Social Resiliency”

1) Complete your Repair project (steps 4-10) and post documentation on your LP. Bring object to present next week. 

Test with an Experiment

  1. Attempt repair.

Does it work?

Yes, it is work.

  1. Was the repair successful?

The repair was really successful.

Are you happy with the results?

I feel really happy with the results.

Is the repair more beautiful/interesting in some way than the original?

Yes, I think the repair is more beautiful than original, I think it is more fashionable now.

How is the object more resilient after the repair?

After the repair, the object didn’t lose any of function but get more attractive than original, I even can recreate more fashion pattern on it.

Analyze and Draw Conclusions

  1. What did you learn?

The whole repairing process makes me understand the value of objects can be recreated. The new or old, functional or broken is not the standard to determine the value of an item, after repairing with creativity, it may even be more valuable.

How long do you expect this repair to actually last now that it is complete?

As long as possible.

What surprises did you encounter?

I got some inspiration from the repair, I think I can use the PV material to create more possibilities.

What would you do differently next time?

I may try to use another material cover on my bag or add some parts the bag be more functional.

Are there other ways you could have repaired this item, that you realize now?

This time I used the sewing machine to connect different material, next I may try glue or hot melt adhesive.

After completing this project, do you consider repair a more valuable skill?

Yes, I will try hard to repair if something break.

Communicate Results

  1. Create an illustrated LP post showing your process and results.

Be mindful of lighting, focus, background and final results.



  1. What is the most important aspect of making a design easily repairable?

Design the use of common materials and relatively simple structure. We can also try to design a modular style, which can be easier to repair.

  1. After completing this project, what’s one object that you wish you could repair

but don’t feel as though you currently have the skills to do so?

I don’t know, but if there has anything need to repair in the future, I will try every way I can to fix it.

10: Did your repair require fewer materials and involve fewer systems than buying

a new replacement? Which systems?

I used the extra material, which was the same size as the original piece. Also, I used a little bit more material for testing the technology.


2) Reflect on our class visit with Gen Saratani.

Which of the Long Life Design criteria does kintsugi fulfill?

After the repair by kintsugi, the object becomes more valuable, because of the gold adding in the process. Also created some artistic feeling.

Are you interested in this kind of repair?

Yes, this technology is amazing, I want to know what other possibilities it can make.

Do you think you have the patience to enjoy a process of slow repair?

Actually, I don’t think so, I like the more efficient repair method. But if this kind of repair is more like an art re-creation process, I might be more patient.

Do you think a slow and long process of repair can make an object more meaningful?

Yes, absolutely. Because the time is valuable.

Does this kind of repair seems like its own art form, rather than just repair?

Yes, the whole repairing process is an art re-creation, it does not fix the value of an object, it is adding the value for an object.

Does it feel inventive and creative (in what ways?)

Yes, it is inventive and creative, like I just say in the last question, this repair does not fix the value of an object, it is adding the value for an object.

Do you think repaired kintsugi designs become more interesting than the original? 

 Yes, and also more artistic.

3) Conduct independent research on the effects of the fashion industry on water and air systems. Post links to two websites that you found the most useful and interesting. Write a few sentences summarizing what you learned. 

Fast fashion impaction: https://www.ecowatch.com/fast-fashion-is-the-second-dirtiest-industry-in-the-world-next-to-big–1882083445.html

Waste Couture: Environmental Impact of the Clothing Industry:


The fashion industry and environmental issues are contradictory. Today, consumers are constantly asking for faster updates, richer fashion style, but can not ignore the environmental pollution caused by the fashion industry. I think this is more because people are still in the fashion concept of “more” and “trendy”. If people do not change the attitude of fashion, the environment and fashion industry will always maintain a vicious circle.

4) Conduct independent research on Social Resiliency.

Describe an example of social resilience that you would share with friends and family. Why might social resilience be important in the context of climate change?

Today, every country is developing clean renewable energy, such as wind power, hydroelectric power, and solar power. Because with the development of human society, our demand for energy will be more and more. At present, most materials we are using to produce energy are non-renewable resources from the natural environment. Excessive exploitation directly affects the environment, which includes climate effects. So we need social resilience to minimize the interference of human activities for the natural environment.

How important do you think it is for designers to consider and encourage resiliency among people in their work? Why?

The designer is the most important role to consider and encourage resiliency among people in their work. Because the designer’s job is to create the product for people, those products will help people improve their lifestyle. which also mean designer is creating a life problem solution for people. And people’s lifestyle is an important factor in building social resilience. So, the designer is the key to guiding society to become resilience.

What is an experience you have had, or an object/design that you have, that supports social resiliency in you?  (i.e. makes you feel stronger, not alone, connected to the earth, other people, animals, the planet, prepared, capable and able to deal with changes etc.)

I want to create a concept to help people change the perception of fashion. Because now when we talk about fashion, people will always think of new things and more trends. But I think these misleading ideas are just the brand used to sell products to people. The significance of fashion is much richer than new things and more trends. When people realized more possibilities of fashion, our society will be more social resiliency.

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