Soft Sculpture Demo A/B

This week I decided to sew a little guy! I have really basic sewing experience but this was my first time working from a pattern/making a plush and it was about as difficult as I anticipated, but overall I’m happy with the result!

scrapped body


The pattern I created initially included a body;  to come up with the basic shape I referenced a stuffed toy that I have and worked backward. I ended up scrapping the body as the other pieces came together because I thought the final result would look cuter if the limbs came directly from the star.


Most of this project was machine sewn, but the hand sewing part certainly took the longest. (…along with turning the arms and legs inside out…) Becuase I edited my design as I went, I didn’t plan ahead in adding the gusset or limbs before closing up the edges of my star. Sewing those pieces and making sure that everything was going to fit in the end was a little daunting, and as you can probably tell the gusset was a.) sewn in wrong  and b.) not the right size.