Service Announcement

For the service announcement project I decided to to come up with a two hand – drawn signs reading “do not pee in the pool” and “no trespassing”. I think that these signs are rarely found in our everyday life, making it a creative way to keep people alert.


As a class activity, I decided to come up with a cutout where a dear is jumping in the middle of it. This is aimed to warn people that an animal might jump out of no where and suddenly cross the road. For that reason it is an indication that the driver must stay alert and slow down in order to prevent an accidents and possibly the death of an animal.

As for the final piece, i decided to create one of my initial pieces into a professional sign made digitally. I chose to focus on the “trespassing” sign as the details in the fence makes the whole thing more appealing and attractive, and especially when done in a creative and professional way.


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