Bridge #4: Final Research Project

Bridge #4: Final Research Project

Anterior view Posterior view

Detail of the eye

I felt that my execution of the nose, and overall form of the head was successful. Some of the challenges I faced while making this piece were figuring out how to properly space the eyes so that they appeared three dimensional. I also struggled to make the lips look like my own. I also struggled with making the chin look large enough. I had intended to include glasses in the piece because I felt like they are my most identifying feature, and I had constructed a pair out of green and silver yarn, but I found them to look tacky, and cheapen the integrity of the piece. If I were to do it again I would make the facial features separate entities, and then affix them to the silhouette surface of the head, so that I could have more freedom in sculpting their form so they would resemble me more closely. My seminar research was on the painted self portrait, and I very literally chose to make a self portrait, but out of an unconventional medium.


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