Media Diary

media diary

It is interesting to look back on our media diary because I was not at all sure what to expect from this experiment. At first I thought I would have so much information on there that it would be overwhelming to record, however what I found was that most of the time I just use my phone and computer for schoolwork, texting, and music, with the occasional watching of TV. I see now that when I am the most busy I only really use my phone to listen to music and communicate with people quickly over text. I’ll end up picking up my phone more quickly on school days, but will stay on it for longer period of time (but less times) on days I have free. The diary also reveled I don’t use much of social media, and the only real social media I do use is instagram for little bits of time, never prolonged periods. I thought this was interesting, however I was a little skeptical since we are always told as a generation that we’re constantly on social media, so I thought I made a mistake. I decided to then go on instagram and check the “activity” tab, which tells us how much time we spend on histogram on average and the amount of time spend the last five or so days. Much to my surprise instagram backed up what the media diary elucidated, with a total average of 19min per day. This lead me to ask some of my friends the amount of time they spend on instagram, a lot of them had 45+ minutes. This logging of information was quite illuminating. I am happy with the amount of media I use day to day, I think I am not overdoing it, only really using media for communications, work, and music, with the occasional scroll through instagram.

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