Final deliverables

The most challenging assignment for me would be the final assignment. We had so much freedom, yet we were confined within the subject of the course, Fake. I was really excited about this project because the other projects in this class went well for me, and it was easy to come up with ideas. Unfortunately, […]

Hansel & Gretel

  This was not the original idea for my project. Originally, I wanted to illustrate The Brother Grimm’s stories, mainly the ones that are well known such as Cinderella and Rapunzel. I wanted to show the gory version of the story, compared to the watered down Walt Disney version. But, ideas change, and I decided […]

Integrative proposal

1. The first project concept is creating images and placing it on walls are surfaces. An example of this is creating graffiti and placing it on a brick wall but making it appear as if it’s really on the wall through photoshop. 2. This relates to Fjellman’s Vinyl Leaves because this can be a fake […]

Election Memes

This image of Hillary first came about when Donald Trump called her “such a nasty woman” towards the end of the debate. Social media then took over, and associated Hillary with Janet Jackson’s song “Nasty”. It is said that this song, from the album Control is about a woman who demands gender equality and control […]

Harlow- Persona

She can wake up looking like she’s been ready for 2 hours She is intimidating, fierce She can cook People go to her for advice But She steals She’s cheated She can talk you into anything She once said to a close friend, “If you jump off the bridge, I’ll jump right after you.” As […]