Bridge 3 Proposals

ProjectProposals-1ixvjj6 These are the three project proposals I wrote for seminar. It was extremely difficult to come up with proposals, but the one that stood out to me the most was the one about minimalism and maximalism.   These are the 8-10 sketches I made during studio last week. Please ignore the unnecessary drawings that […]

Visual Analysis & System Mapping Reflection

People : In the older dutch colonies there was no photography so depictions of people were mainly drawings or paintings. With the invention of photography, it allowed for historic events to be captured accurately. Texture: There were many variations when it came to texture. The museum really tried to get their hands on as many artifacts as […]

This American Life: Break Up

List Lauren Waterman is talking to Ira Glass about her most recent breakup. It happened two months ago and she is still in a “raw state”. She finds it difficult to grasp that relationships can, at one point be this great thing, but it can also end suddenly. Ira Glass goes on to say that […]