Update-Integrative Studio Project

Currently I am still working on beading my jacket. It’s taking a really long time but it’s not surprising to me because I knew it was going to take this long. I still have a lot of space to cover with beads but I know that if I manage my time really well, I’ll get it done on time. Beading has also been therapeutic so I don’t mind the work 🙂

Update: 5/2/2017

Where are you in your overall research plan/process?

I’m in the beginning stages of sewing.


Are there changes you’ve made to that plan along the way? What are they?

I made sketches of what I wanted the design to look like but as I started to bead and actually saw what it looked like, I changed the design. My project is a documentation of time but I do want to consider the end appearance.


How are you documenting your process (notes, photos, reflection in a sketchbook, your LP, or other spot?)

I am keeping track of time on my notes app and taking photos of progress/problems that I run into along the way. I have sketches of the jacket in my sketchbook, and the changes I’ve made.


What three things do you need to be able to get done/continue between now and next week to present a near final version of your work?

-finish at least half or more than half of my beading

-prepare a statement about what I plan on doing and why I’m doing it

-Think more about the projects relationship to research


How will you get those things done/continue them?

i think I have to speed up my beading, but speeding up isn’t exactly easy. I also want to document what I’m thinking/feeling about when I’m beading.

What is your goal for what you want to show next week?

I want to bring my jacket and show what i have so far. My goal is to finish half the jacket because there will be enough beading to critique.


What do you think might be a question or questions you’ll be wanting to discuss about your work/project?

Maybe how long it takes to do certain types of beading techniques?

Why I’m using this specific jacket and not something  that I’ve made?


What help might you need from peers, from me, from others?

So far I feel extremely focused towards my goal and I haven’t felt unsure of anything yet. I’m worried about time the most. I do want my everyone’s opinion on how I’m approaching my research through beading.


If you had to describe the relationship of “research” as a process of investigation, asking questions, finding information, and/or building arguments to your studio project now, how would you do so?

The research aspect is not obvious in my studio project, but it is my way of responding to fast fashion, and throwing out pieces that have no meaning in our lives. We’ve accumulated so many things, and it’s easy to do that because in our minds these things are all replaceable. I want to focus on the sentimental aspect of my piece, and learning to see things as long term.

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