Final Project idea and work plan



1) What is your final project concept? What is one specific action or object have you observed or enacted over the last month that you hope will continue until 2030 because of the resulting systems effects —making life more sustainable, joyful and/or meaningful? What can you make now, the will help *you* remember in ten years something important and inspiring about this time?

My final project concept is going to be a video diary about myself. I am going to document new habits that I started during quarantine that helps with being sustainable, such as that I would want to continue being organizing, cleaning, and cooking for myself. I find it is very satisfying, efficient and sustainable when I am doing it, I will have an idea of how much stuff I owned and also controlling my own body and mind when I am practicing this habit. 


2) What media/tools will you use to tell the story about this action or object ?  (photos, design, programming, sculpture, sewing etc.)

I am thinking about doing a little video which I will talk through, to document a day of my quarantine at home to describe what I have heard and observe over the past month that has happened during this coronavirus breakouts.


3) What is the scale of the project? Will it be a 5 minute video, a series of 5 posters or illustrations,  a large painting? A piece of clothing? Set your parameters and outline them here.  

I am thinking that the video will be around 3 minutes. I might use some drawings to illustrate my video.


4) How will you source materials for the project, given what you have learned in class this semester? Outline your work plan to be able to have your project completed by May 4th (including a systems map). What materials and skills do you need to acquire? Given what you have learned in class this semester, are you making choices or taking actions that make the project and its production more sustainable?

Plan outline:

April 17th – 18th 

list 3-4 things that I started doing recently and that they helped with being sustainable

April 19th – 21st 

write script

April 22nd – 25th


April 26th – 30th 

editing the video 

I will first write a script about what I am going to say in the video. Then do some illustrations about what I am going to say. and lastly, put everything together and do the editing.  

 5) Do you have any concerns/issues regarding your project at this point? 

I am a little bit concern about my video editing skills and that if I have enough time to do my illustration. 


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