Creative Shirt

Initial Inspiration

I was inspired by Neo-Plasticism, specifically the works of Piet Mondrian for their lack of dimensionality, hard lines and minimalism, and graphic nature.


Textile Experiments

I wanted to replicate the Mondrian’s style by creating different panels and somehow connecting them together to form the grid. Originally, I was interested in knitting and weaving to create the panels, as well as using them as forms of connection. I like using wire for its structure, but realized that I would not be able to get it straight and perfect enough for a Mondrian inspired shirt. Weaving seamed the appropriate technique for being able to play around most with materials and still have a clean look.


Sketches and notes





Weaving was definitely the correct technique to create this shirt. I was able to find and use a good range of different materials to weave into the shirt creating different visual and textural effects to pair with the dull flatness of the felt. In some areas, the weaving could have been done cleaner. There are some inconsistencies in the sewing around the woven parts, and I could have chosen a different stitch, like a cover stitch, that would have been more visually appealing and related better. Despite that, I do believe the shirt reflects very clearly the inspiration. The felt was a very good, practical choice of fabric; however, I wish I had chosen a less textured fabric as the base of the shirt. I think a smoother fabric would have made more sense in relation to Mondrian’s artwork.

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