Knit Garment


I took inspiration from an earlier project based on the hanging sleeve, because I played around with weight of fabric and draping. I wanted to create a bias tube because I like that a tube doesn’t need added seams and you can essentially create any shape from it and get really interesting drapery.


Knit Notes



Sewn Samples

cover stitch hem

overlock seam




I am pleased with how this tunic/dress came out, but it is not my best work. It looks as I had hoped it would look it, but I was not able to push my design as much as I would have liked to. Given more time, I would have liked to explore some materiality to see how different knit fabrics with different stretches would drape. Also, I discovered that the fabric it did not roll along the grain, so I have to leave the selvedge, which is not that noticeable but does pucker a bit. I do however think I was successful in creating a garment that has versatility in its wear. It has three openings at the “top”, so there are many different head-and-arm-through-holes combinations, which adds interest and options for the wearer.


Cutter’s must

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