Project 7: Sound and Vision

For this project, we were to make a visual complement to the audio interpretation of a space of our choosing. For my audio portion, I wanted to invoke the sense of a space that is too large, empty, and lonely for its single inhabitant. The sounds portray not only the physical space, but the mental as well. For the video aspect, I wanted to focus more heavily on the subject and their mental space.

To begin, I thought of simple images and scenes in my mind that to me, represented the concept for the mental space I imagined the inhabitant to be in. I wanted to incorporate shots that disjoint or dissociate the parts of the body from the mind that it belongs to. I attempted to achieve this by contrasting these shots with images that don’t have humans in them at all, but rather may serve as symbols for the space that this individual is creating within their mind. In my initial vision, the feelings the shots would evoke were ones of uneasiness, anxiety, isolation, and self-inspection, as I felt the space I created would have these effects on the fictional subject.

Ultimately, I am rather happy with the end product. With more freedom of equipment, and more space/different settings, I feel as though I would have been able to produce even more interesting shots that could help support the ones I already have. That, and my issues with the audio are the only things that I am unhappy with about the finished product.

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