Drawing and Imaging: Final Project Proposal


Sarah Davis, December 7, 2016


I propose a collection of 2 simple garments made from an original textile that includes images of nude models.  I will first make the garments and then draw onto them several different nude figure studies. One of the garments will be a simple hunter’s cape with white gesture drawings on black material.  The other garment will also be a hunter’s cape however the figures will be more detailed and they will be black drawings on white fabric.  I will also make fashion sketches of the garments.


I will use a combination of graphite, adobe illustrator, paint, fabric, and photography.





I am influenced by Calvin Klein’s minimalist style and will use some of his designs as well as his collaboration with Badly Drawn Models on instagram as a reference.


I will use what we learned in illustrator, foreshortened figures, gesture drawings, and the overall study of the proportions of the human body and figure studies we have done in class.


The original garments will be brought into class for observation, however they will also be photographed on a female figure, and those photographs will be either printed out or presented on the projector screen alongside the physical garments.  Additionally, croquis will also be presented with the garment and the images.

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(both dresses after I painted them entirely black and entirely white with acrylic paint, before I painted the figures onto them)

screen-shot-2016-12-20-at-10-18-41-am(fashion sketches created on illustrator, using the pen tool, blob brush tool, different line weights, and different fills)

sarah2(final presentation, which included my finished dresses, fashion sketch, and sketchbook drawings)

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