Project #1 – Personal Exoskeleton


An exoskeleton is a rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially anthropoids, providing both support and protection. The purpose of the insect exoskeleton is that it supports and protects an animals body (internal) also known as shells. Protects, excretion, sense, support, feeding, acts as barrier. Their shield basically frameworks musculature.

These pictures are exoskeletons of cicadas and grasshoppers. They come out of their shell in order to grow more.

Gareth Pugh is a fashion designer that uses a lot of geometric shapes and 3D within his fashion pieces. He experiments with the use of these shapes and incorporates them into this fashion line, making them versatile and unique. His designs are so interesting to look at because thats usually not what you expect to see



For my personal exoskeleton project, I took inspiration from pink cockatoo birds. I loved how vibrant they were and the colors of their feathers. I wanted to incorporate the color on the feathers into the project. Since the project was inspired by a bird i thought I would make a headpiece that was in shape of a bird cage since they’re round and easier to put on your head. I wanted to use the colors on the bird on the headpiece so I used yarn to do that. The reason why chose to do a headpiece was because of the 2018 met gala. I thought the big the headpieces were gorgeous so i thought that i would make a head piece for this project. I used wire to make the form of the headpiece and used 4 different colored yarn to add color into the headpiece


The Final Project

This is the final outcome of my project. Although the wire was a little difficult to work with, it was really fun because it was a design of my own. Originally, the yarn wasn’t a part of the project, but with just wire the project seemed too incomplete so I wrapped the wires with colorful yarn to represent the colors on cockatoo birds.

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