Assignment #13 – TED talks

TED talk observations

William McDonough – Cradle to cradle design

William McDonough talks about the toxic chemicals and materials used in everyday products that people, children, and everyone uses. Its interesting for me to know that the rubber duck that many children use and play with has toxic chemicals that can lead to cancer. We’re giving these things to children without being aware of whats in it which is a very scary thing to think about. He introduces everyday products such as cars or shoes that would be made with non toxic products and how we can save if these inventions could be known to the world.

Suzanne Lee – Grow your own clothes

Suzanne Lee goes into detail about growing her own material with tea, kombucha, and other items to grow her own organic, chemical free fabric/material. She explains the process and how it works and honestly its amazing to me. Organically growing your own fabric and manipulating that to make your own clothing. She expands even further from that and talks about growing your own lamp, car, couch, and hopes that with more development that she will be able to grow these things. I know that in sustainable systems my friends are growing their own leather with kombucha and its really fascinating and amazing to me that this is something that is so easy to do, and although its a long process, more people should do it because its healthier on both ends and eco friendly.

Janine Benyus – Biomimicry in action

Janine Benyus talks a lot about the environment and nature and how we should take inspiration from nature. Its an interesting take on what and where to get inspiration from because there are so many things that we never take into consideration when designing. She talks about how nature solves problems and designers should look at things from that perspective as well. Its a really interesting take on things and I hope to incorporate that or think that way when developing ideas with any project.


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