Bridge 2 – Integrative Studio 2

Bridge 2

For my Bridge 2 project I decided to recreate the slide that is shown in the Wizard of Oz. Originally it is made out of metal and wires but I wanted to be able to recreate the object with as many sustainable items as I can. I did not buy any of my materials but used stuff I found around my dorm in order to see how it would turn out. I feel like if i had used something more like chipboard it would’ve looked nicer but harder to work with because it is not as flexible as cardboard. I wish I could have used a wire with a higher gage because the wire was a little difficult to work with. It was really thin and flimsy so I had to layer the wire a lot to make it sturdy and stand up. The cardboard was a little difficult to work with because glue was not holding it together well but after getting the hang of it and trying different things, like stabbing the wire through and making a knot, helped a lot. It was really fun to recreate this project because we were allowed to recreate it with a different material which I think is really interesting.

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