Bridge 4: New Monument

The re-design of this monument in inspired by the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt where the purpose of the design was to include everyone from the LGBTQ+ spectrum and raise awareness of AIDS. The intentions of the re-design is to create a simplistic sculpture that can be more obvious supporting AIDS and as well as creating an open area for people to enjoy and admire. The design consists of nine red glass square panels with four metal rods supporting it. The original design of the NYC AIDS Memorial is shaped as a triangle, which is a combination of the male and female symbol. The memorial does not represent the other genders and properly acknowledge other members of the spectrum. The purpose of the redesign of the NYC AIDS Memorial will be to be an inclusive memorial that does not exclude anyone from the LGBTQ+ spectrum that was affected by this epidemic. As well as to memorialise the AIDS memorial, I thought raising the level of the sculpture was idea because it gives more attention and appreciation.

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