Final: Bridge Project 3 – In the middle of nowhere

IN The Middle Of Nowhere 


The assignment was about choosing the object from a space and observe the perspective from the view of an object.

The project is about creating a short film that expresses the object’s view.


Our group chose the object from the place called “Greenwood Cemetery”.

We took a look at the location and thought that it would turn out very strong and significant if we use this place for our project.

The gravestones and flying leaves caught our attention and became our object in the film.

We did the research online before we went to the cemetery and we learned that the green wood cemetery does not belong to any religion. However, we found it interesting by seeing many religious sculptures in the cemetery and they do make the solemn and divine atmosphere to the cemetery. 

Samuel (my group member ) and I went to the Greenwood Cemetery for 6 times, we took short clips each time and they are all in different visionary perspectives. –> Samuel took many clips in a low degree angle then this inspired us to make the filming view as a ghost’ view. 

–In the middle part of the film —

 We decided to use the scenes such as the sunshine shines through the leaves on the tree, the ducks swimming on the green lake, and the fungus grew on the grass wildly to represent the vivid lives.

We used the dried leaves and the scary-look tree stem to symbolize the death.

In the end,  we tend to create the life cycle in the film and we want to set the whole atmosphere as earnest and solemn.

The names of my group members

Chloe He, Samuel Li, Soo Lee, Tookie Hong.



— MY self- reflection in this project —

— We did the group presentation on November 2nd, 2018. To be honest, I felt very shameful and disappointed by myself. 

As I watching the final video in the class, looking at my own project, I felt empty, weak and even meaningless. 

“The flower itself is beautiful and if you cannot do anything to make it looks more stunning, everything you do will decrease its beauty.” I keep thinking this sentence in my mind after the class and I felt emotional resonance on this project.

To me, the Greenwood Cemetery is a heavenly place that has a strong and powerful solemn atmosphere that no one is capable of bringing “dirt” to here.

Therefore, I feel the actions of taking videos and pictures there are blaspheming the spirits and we are also incapable of expressing such ambiance because it is beyond everything that our senses are too weak to capture it and record it. 

unfortunately, the final results turn out to an obvious concept which can be done in any other cemeteries in the city.

I feel very apologetic to my group members and the teachers, I do not think everything I said is significant because the concept itself is very shallow.

I think if I spent more time to think, think more profound and philosophical, I would not be trapped into this life-cycle theme and would come up with something from a different and unique perspective. 

However, this is a very good lesson for me because I see the problems when I do brainstorming and I will be more cautious about my ideas and thoughts in the future. 

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