A wall/blanket/expanse of folded paper fortune tellers in the same color. I used to repeatedly produce the small, simple toy in my youth, anywhere I could find the paper to do so. I would make them in all shapes and sizes…I think there is something ironic about “the wall” (THE WALL) as an object…maybe not IRONIC but something to be noted about modern society, is the way that we take words and misconstrue the definition through bouts of sinister internet comedy and meme generating. We have basically, essentially, repurposed the english dictionary. This relates to ECSTATIC RESISTANCE, a piece by Emily Roydson which speaks about the blurring of the lines between different art styles and genres.

What kind of connotation does the wall have? It is meant to blockade, supposed to separate…think of how Trump uses the wall and what it means now.

The wall represents movement, acceleration, progression in the face of oppression, resistance, stagnation. How? Because of it’s ambiguous nature, the wall-of-fortune is able to traverse many different universes. It exists in itself a 3D object composed of many small 2D objects, and also seems to move, bounce, and sway on its own accord. Let’s make 20 billion of them and shield the polar ice caps or some miraculous feat that would cause global satisfaction replete.

I love my wall <3 I feel like hanging it over my bed catch bad dreams and rid my room of any looming bad spirits. 



single black female addicted to retail. also known as: - incognito tito - trixie tang - the great nog - nasty naz