OAH Final Reflection

1) Which three cultures/objects resonated with you most, and why?  Offer 2 reasons on why you found these three objects/cultures fascinating?

  • Akhenaten and His Family is one of the earliest objects that have appealed to me since the beginning of the course. Coming from a Middle Eastern background, I was exposed to a variety of Egyptian art but Akhenaten and His Family struck me as incredibly unique. In addition to never experiencing such a unique object, I appreciated the visual abstraction of the relief. It appeared to me as though one of the earliest forms of abstraction, an aesthetic that I greatly appreciate.

  • Giovanni and His Wife by Jan Van Eyck is another one of my favorite objects discussed in this course. I found this piece incredibly interesting due to historians inability of identifying the possible purpose of the portrait, the mystery behind the piece inspired me to further study the cultural and visual elements of it. In addition to that, the object is packed with symbols that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways, all of which can alter the possible meeting of the object.

  • Death of a Marat by Jacques Louis David is also a favorite of mine. What fascinates me with this piece is the overwhelming emotional response it stirred up in me, not quite sure whether it was due to the cultural context or the painting style. In addition, the personal signature ‘to martyr’ gives this piece an intimate touch that I found unique and did not pin point in other objects of that era.


2) What themes would you have loved to explore more in depth had the course been longer, say, a two semester study?

I would’ve loved for the course to be extended to a greater time period, one that houses movements up until modern art. In addition, I would’ve appreciated an extensive focus on textile and fashion throughout history.


3) What did you learn about art history as a discipline?

As our teacher would say; ‘its not art history but rather art histories”. I learned that it is important to note that in order to fully comprehend the history of art, one has to expose himself to the widest range of cultures. Such exposure will allow one to make more objective opinions about art, and more conscious decisions about the meaning of art.


4) What did you learn about yourself?

I found that I tend to appreciate an art object more when I expose myself to its historical context, it gives the art a greater value. I also found that I appreciate and learn more about my background when I expose myself to art that comes from my culture and my religion.


5) How would you assess yourself as a learner: where do you think you did well and what areas of improvement can you see (areas of your performance that might need a bit of practice to become part of your new you)?

I found that I succeeded in participating in class discussions, learning from others opinions and sharing my own. However, I believe I should’ve managed my time more efficiently as this course has been highly demanding and better time management would’ve allowed me to deliver without sacrificing my efforts in other courses.


6)  In what ways do you see yourself applying what you’ve learned to your own personal life?

I enjoy creating art that challenges conventions, however, my high school art teacher used to warn me that I need to “learn the rules before I break them”. This course has allowed me to learn the different artistic ‘rules’ that history has witnessed, and the different ways they were challenged. Such knowledge has granted me the ability to pinpoint our current conventions, allowing me to fully master and understand them on my journey as an artist.


7) In what ways do you see what you’ve learned to become part of your professional interests and work with us here at Parsons?

Already, I have found that I’m drawing inspiration from the multitude of objects that we have been exposed too. In addition, I feel that when critiquing art my opinion is backed up by examples from history and is more valid.


8) Any other thoughts that you would like to share on the course and our journey.

This course has been greatly eye opening, and I believe it is a must for every individual aiming to pursue a career in the art and design world.

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