Integrated Studio – Artist Recreation and Interpretation

Looking at the list of artists that were given by Charlotte, I had to pick Louise Bourgeois. I had fell in love with her travelling exhibition across the UK that I saw in Cambridge and the red ink paintings struck out to me. Recreating 3 of them was by no means an easy task, her strokes were so incredibly relaxed and haphazard at the same time that I had to take such a delicate and slow approach to them. I was so critical of them throughout the entire month that I had to work on them, but when I pinned up in class to show everyone, I had nothing but a smile on my face; it truly did look like Bourgeois!

The biggest hurdle that I had with this final project was coming up with a concept for my interpretation. Her work is so incredibly personal which I have such difficulty embracing; in my own work, I try to tell stories, best seen in my project with Sam, and those stories tend to not be my own. Initially, I was thinking of playing off of the spider in Bourgeois’ most well known work but I wasn’t getting anywhere. Next, I was looking at staircases, in a reflection of her long journey with art and the industry not embracing till she was in her 70s. That idea fell through as well.

I then sat myself down and had a proper think, I can’t seem to adopt her way of thinking or her approaches, why I not go on this journey with her? The idea of a Louise Bourgeois world up came up and there it was. My idea for my final work. I was going to create a series of posters to promote the Louise Bourgeois world tour.

The amount of sleepless nights I spent creating 10 posters and imaging what Bourgeois would want to see was no joke, I can’t remember the last time I had faced a screen for such an extended period of time.

During the critique, I was fairly confident and the way I had presented my work to the class was something I could be proud of. As was mentioned by the class, it wasn’t necessarily a work of art when assessed based on a  narrative and was rather a take using graphic design, which is more than fair.  Charlotte’s comments were understandable as well, it did seem like the project sprung up from the middle of nowhere.

All in all, I could not have asked for a better critique to wrap up my last class of the year; the emotion is the room was palpable with Sarah, Tanner and Izzy. I truly could not have asked for better friends and better tutors.

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