Drawing/Imaging Abstract Shapes

This mini project was meant to allow me to subvert my ‘logical brain’ and think and approach forms in an abstract manner. I worked in a pair with Lara to create a rather large piece of work. A large sheet of paper was folded down the middle on the long side and black ink of various tones were applied on one side of the fold in a largely unplanned manner. The opposing side was then folded over to mirror the ink spots. What resulted was a black form that was abstract to say the least, although Lara and I were able to identify an image that somewhat resembled a insect/beetle.

Ink Blot Close Up 1


What drew me to portion of the image immediately was the darker outlines of the form that resulted from the ink slightly gathering and drying. The lighter tones of black/grey that ‘spilled’out of the outlines do help to create a dynamic image which i thoroughly enjoy.


Ink Blot 2


This close-up intrigued me due to the amount of action that is going on in that rather small frame. There is such variety of tones, size of the marks. The majority of the ink is towards the top of the image but yet I’m not getting a sense of imbalance in the work. The darks and lights within also seem to be rather level.


Ink Blot 3


This might seem rather far-fetched, but I spotted a face in bottom of the image. It looks like a spirit or beast that has an incredibly aggressive look to it. The intensity of black around that ‘face’ helps me to somehow create a fantasy narrative based off a rather straightforward image of an ink blot.


Ink Blot 4


Spots of black! The image looks playful to me, mainly due to me having the knowledge of how the image was made. The vast majority of the image was done by using brushes and going in random strokes. When Lara and I were engaged in hilarious conversations however, we would splash ink across the page and the occasional spots would arise. Simply put, I find the work playful cause I find dots/spots kind of adorable and the way those dots/spots come about was so very cute.


Ink Blot 5


The spot in the middle of the page, with the dark outline is the focus of the image to me. I tend to create odd narratives off of images, like I just did previously, and I’m getting something about a tiny army about to be swarmed by a massive army and its impending demise. There seems to be something about these ink blots that isn’t giving me a calm feeling but rather a more angry, powerful one.


Ink Blot 6


I’ve recently started to find bridges really engaging, having lived in cities only ever next to rivers, they do so much. And I spotted a bridge right in the middle of the image. It then got me to look at the image as if it was a map, which gives the close-up so much more depth.

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