Digital Tools; Layout and Design – RAW Image Editing, Week 2

For the first image, the first thing I had to do was crop the image due to the face being in there. I adore the photograph, there is a contrast in 3 different kinds of textures, which I find rather rare to come across. Definitely, it relates to me personally; with the decadence of the curtain, the reflection of the mirror and the opulence of the painted subject. After cropping the image, the fine tuning came in.

  • Decreasing Brightness
  • Increasing Contrast
  • Decrease Shadows
  • Increase Blacks

The other variables were left relatively untouched.

Before Edit


Post Edit


The Second image also needed to be cropped due to the fact that there were distracting parts of the image. There was a subject that I enjoyed but I hadn’t taken the image with consideration for the background or the setting. Apart from increasing the contrast and shifting other variables ever so slightly to darken the darks, nothing much was done to the image.

Before Edit

Post Edit

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