Core Studio 1: 2D – Narrative Planning

Within my work I see a language building. Through symbols and a continuity between the pieces I create I see connections. Greater meaning which I have touched upon previously in conceptual pieces that involve performative aspects seem to be absent in pieces I’ve created in 2D mediums. I consider myself primarily a painter, but I feel I have not fully utilized my knowledge and strengths in tandem. Through my work in Core 2D this semester I feel that a story is being built. From my first set of pieces I created at the end of sketchbook project, to the alla-prima still life, and soon project II I have implemented a visual key in order to bring these pieces together. My work is mainly figurative and I find painting objects can often become boring, but in the alla-prima still life I used objects which were symbolic to my previous pieces in this class. For Project II I intend on progressing this “story” of sorts in my work.


I would like to use paint once again in my piece and use the characters from my sketchbook project piece and place them in a symbolic setting with each other. I connotated each character with certain aspects, names, objects, planets, etc. and in project II I will continue to build around these characters. I have always been fascinated by religious imagery and what struck me was a comment by a classmate referring to the characters likeness to Eve, Adam, and Lilith. I want to place these characters in an Eden-esque setting as this idea of an ethereal untouched surface intrigues me. How have these characters found themselves in this space, and what are their relations to it? I could possibly see this progressed as a series, portraying the three other forms such as a Greek scene based on Venus, Neptune, and Jupiter-which were other aspects I attributed to these characters. 

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