This post shares some of the gear that you can check out from the new school and some gear that I have that you can reserve.
New School Gear
There are a variety of sound-related items you can checkout at the New School.
Visit the EQC site for details about their equipment. You’ll notice that there’s a link to a PDF that includes most (though i have noticed mot ALL) of their gear. Here are some screenshots of those pages.
- Be sure you’ve signed the yearly contract to check out equipment
- Look for announcments on their site that might restrict your access. For example in Fall 2023 there was this message:
There will be NO WALK-IN checkouts available from November 27 until December 11. Please use the link below to WebCheckout to make a reservation.
John’s Gear
I have a bunch of things that you can consider borrowing to realize your projects. Here’s a list