Twitter Reaction – Is Your Salad Habit Good For The Planet #SustainableSystems

I love salad. Any kind of salad, so I was excited to read this article. After reading this I have a new view on salad. I eat salad and I always feel so accomplished eating it because it’s healthy for my body. It’s not healthy for the environment though. Sadly, I realized I always throw my salad bowls away. Even if they are recyclable or biodegradedable, in the heat of the moment (my quick lunch break) I don’t think about how much material is used to hold my salad and how when I throw it in the trash it can really add up. I’m not the only person who makes this mistake either. Reading this opened my eyes on how we’re so focused on one good thing that we create something bad

MORUS Reflection #SustainableSystems

After our trip to MORUS, I thought a lot about the environment. I knew hurricanes were bad, but I didn’t understand fully the extent of them. Hearing and seeing the flood that happened at the museum made me realize how serious natural disasters are. Another thing about the trip that really opened my eyes was how dedicated the volunteers at MORUS are.

Twitter Reaction – The Hazardous Waste Beneath Us: Sociologists Unearth a Buried Problem #SustainableSystems

Reading this story was disappointing. I love the idea of sustainable cities and environmentally friendly transportation. I have high hopes for helping to create a healthier environment, but after reading this I realized that the chemical and industrial production pollution isn’t just going to go away even if we create a sustainable city. The history of all the pain we have cause our planet isn’t ever going away, and that’s sad. Knowing now, that the hurt we caused isn’t going to disappear, I can only hope we make it better.


Twitter Reaction Post – A Wedding Ring with a Dirty Little Secret #SustainableSystems

After reading this article, I thought about all the jewelry I own. It’s wasteful. I buy it, if it’s fake it eventually rusts, then I throw it away. Diamonds don’t rust but they do take alot of manual labor and they take away from the environment to create. I think it’s a really cool idea to make a modern ring out of smog (pollution). I wouldn’t be against getting one!


#Sustainablesystems Reaction – Why Aren’t We Eating More Insects

After reading this article, I learned how America is still extremely judgmental. We want to be “in the loop” and healthy like the other countries but we still won’t take the leap of eating “raw” unprocessed food. Eating bugs has been around for centuries but us Europeans are just now starting to accept it. What i find so funny is that we still haven’t accepted itv all the way, we want the bugs to look like regular processed food in the forms of cereal bars or crushed into a powder that can blend into any other food. I am happy that people in North America are starting to see the benefits of bugs and eating healthy, but Im still disappointed that we hold stigma to it and can’t just eat them and not be so secretive about it.

#Sustainablesystems Reaction – Greening the Blues : Nature and Depression

After reading the article, I learned that nature can possibly effect the birth of a baby. For the better, of course. Nature can really effect your mood and your baby’s mood if your pregnant. The article isn’t saying that trees can fix depression, but it does say that nature’s positive affect can’t do you any harm.

Field Trip to the LESEC Composting Center #Sustainablesystems

Going to the composting center was a new experience for me. The smells and sights matched what I imagined, but what blew me away was what was actually going on in the LESEC Composting Center. I never knew how “trash” could really be re-used for the good. I only knew about recycling so learning that simple food items that I would usually throw away could help to save energy, and in the long run help to save the planet, I was impressed. I still wasn’t impressed by the smell at the center though… #Sustainablesystems